The Caregiver Cafe
The Caregiver Cafe
55: Creating A Supportive Environment For Caregivers
Creating a supportive environment for caregivers is crucial to alleviate stress, prevent burnout, enhance caregiving skills, foster social connections, provide access to resources, and implement policies that acknowledge and accommodate caregivers' needs.
By creating such an environment, we can better support and empower caregivers in their crucial role.
Tap into this episode to figure out how you can provide support to caregivers.
Youtube: Jacksonville's Best Caregivers
LinkedIn: Rosalind Jones
Instagram: @rozcaregiverconsulting
Blog: The Caregiver Cafe Blog
Website: https://www.rozjonesent.com/
Speaker 1 0:01
Hey guys, how you doing today? Can I get you started with something to drink? Is your aging loved one home alone forgetting to take medicine or pay bills, the Caregiver Cafe with Roz Jones has a menu of resources to serve your caregiver needs. As a caregiver, Roz understands your daily challenges. This podcast focuses on the unique and dynamic issues of caregiving.
Speaker 2 0:24
Welcome back to The Caregiver Cafe. I am Roz Jones, your host. In today's episode, we're going to be talking about creating a supportive environment for caregivers creating a supportive environment for caregivers. Now, in order to be a more effective caregiver, you have to make sure that you set the tone and create the environment, on the type of care that you're going to provide. It's important for you to set the tone. And so oftentimes, as a caregiver, we are under appreciated. And it's essential that we recognize and support caregivers in their efforts, and you want to be supported, and we want to support others. So what's one way to create that environment for a caregiver? You know, we talked about workplace policies and practices. And so there are a lot of, because of COVID, they have come up with a lot of new practices at the workplace, besides the Family Medical Leave Act, they have these group resources that are specific for caregivers, or specific for people who are taking care of loved one with Alzheimer's. Mothers who are you know, working, so the employers understand that it's important to acknowledge and support those people who have all of these things going on at home. So if they're supporting you, that means that they have to be resource they have resources in place to help you. So make sure that you take advantage of those resources at work. One of those things, like I talked about is the flexible scheduling, the Family Medical Leave Act, and then also to hybrid working, working part from home and working the other half in the office. Okay, so maybe two days a week, I'm home. Yes, two days a week, I'm home, three days a week, I'm working on those three days, I'll get caregiver that helped, you know, so that's starting to, you know, alleviate the cost of care. So that's one way another way to support caregivers is what resources and information we talked about this over all the time, I know all the time, we don't have time to listen to information. However, when when when we are driving, that's an opportunity for us to pop into podcasts similar to mine or someone else's, it doesn't have to be mine, even though I would like for it to be mine. But popping up a podcast on a particular situation that you need to resolve as a caregiver, that is an effective way to use your time to manage your time. So you're trying to create a good environment. You know, as you listen to us, as you listen to us, you hear our passion, you know that we've been in this caregiving space. So these are things that will help you better provide care is when you keep yourself educated on the latest and greatest information and technology that will help you improve your life as a caregiver. Now, how can from a caregiver standpoint? How can we make sure that people know about the needs of the caregivers, part of that is getting involved in sometimes you may have to get involved in some of the lobbyists or some of the associations and say, Hey, this is something that we need to take to the state. This is something that we need to take to, you know, the federal level to saw that people will begin to understand that caregivers need more support than what they're giving. If we stay isolated. If we don't say anything, then nothing gets done. If we stay isolated, and we say nothing, don't expect for the caregiver to get support, your environment can't change if you don't take a step for the change. So part of that is going out to these different organizations and saying, Hey, how can we get this information to go up? And so these are some of the things and even contacting your congressman, your state representative, you know, the local organizations, these are the things that are so important when you're trying to make a supportive environment is nothing like letting somebody know that you need help. You can't get to help unless you say something. And then it's important to recognize and appreciate the work that the caregivers do. Now, in twice a year. You have national caregivers months you have national caregivers day. But you know what, even when you are being recognized, you can be recognized at church. You know, going out and speaking on a podcast, these away, these are ways that you can bring awareness to not only your situation but other caregivers, trust me people want to hear. And if they hear, you know, they can hear my voice or your voice, your voice matters. Let me say that, particularly if you're taking care of a loved one that can't speak, who's gonna speak for them, when they can't speak for themselves, you are their voice. So this is why it is so important to create that type of environment to create that type of care team that you know that that core of support. This is so important if you don't have that your journey as a caregiver is going to be rough as hell if you do not create that type of supportive environment. So once again, I just I said that what I was trying to be nice, but it's the truth. If you do not have the support, it's going to be hard to be a caregiver. So that's what the episode was about today creating a supportive environment for you as a caregiver. Once again, I want to thank you for joining The Caregiver Cafe. Until next time, take care.
Speaker 1 6:31
Until your next visit to The Caregiver Cafe connect with Roz on YouTube, LinkedIn and her blog at the caregiver.cafe.net Caregiver Cafe podcast specializes in serving those who provide care and support to a sick or aging loved one. I'm the voice guy, but I'm one of you. So when Roz has on experts or frontline workers, I'm listening. We hope you've enjoyed the show. In the meantime, don't forget to connect with Roz on YouTube, LinkedIn or at the blog at the caregivercafe.net